Friday, January 19, 2007

It's been a while since my last update. Aydyn is doing wonderful except he is being more of a munchkin lately. He is starting to throw more tantrums which is not alot of fun to deal with. I guess it is to be expected as he gets closer to two.

Other than being a munchkin at times he's doing great. He's growing like a weed. In the last few months he has grown three to four inches and put on a couple of pounds.

We enjoyed our holidays with everyone, but we are glad they are over. It gives us a chance to get back to normal.
Our friend Stephanie and Lakota came and stayed with us for a few days. It was nice we had a playdate, went to the beach, took the kids to the park and the zoo. Wow I guess we were busy.

Not much to say and I know everyone loves the pics so enjoy.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


We recently celebrated our second Halloween. We went to a Halloween party in the neighborhood. He went as a giraffe, the cutest giraffe I might add. We also visited a local pumkin patch, got some really cute pics.
Then on Halloween night we went out trick or treating for a little bit. We all went and we got started a little later than planned. I also had planned on giving out candy. And with this being a new neighborhood, I bought a bunch of candy knowing that there are quite a few kids. Lets just say we have alot left over. Anyways it was so cute taking Aydyn around.

Aydyn is doing great. He is trying to say a number of different words. He says nana- banana, nack- snack, trys to say nite nite, also he says oh yeah. And of course mama, we don't hear dada to often.

He is discovering the art of climbing. Recently he's been trying to climb on the coffee table. We try to get to the park once a week so he can climb.

Anyways here are some pics.
love you all

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hi everyone this is going to be my way of trying to keep everyone up to date with Aydyn. I would love to back track and post old pics, maybe someday. But for now I'll post some recent pics. Not much has been happening. We went to Washington, and Boston last month. We had a great time. We were able to visit Aunt Debbie and Bill. Although it was a short visit it was nice.
This is going to be short, it's the first blog and kinda just a test.

Love you all,
Tuna, Jaime, and Aydyn